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Forensic Sci Res ; 4(1): 10-28, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30915414


Facial imaging is a term used to describe methods that use facial images to assist or facilitate human identification. This pertains to two craniofacial identification procedures that use skulls and faces-facial approximation and photographic superimposition-as well as face-only methods for age progression/regression, the construction of facial graphics from eyewitness memory (including composites and artistic sketches), facial depiction, face mapping and newly emerging methods of molecular photofitting. Given the breadth of these facial imaging techniques, it is not surprising that a broad array of subject-matter experts participate in and/or contribute to the formulation and implementation of these methods (including forensic odontologists, forensic artists, police officers, electrical engineers, anatomists, geneticists, medical image specialists, psychologists, computer graphic programmers and software developers). As they are concerned with the physical characteristics of humans, each of these facial imaging areas also falls in the domain of physical anthropology, although not all of them have been traditionally regarded as such. This too offers useful opportunities to adapt established methods in one domain to others more traditionally held to be disciplines within physical anthropology (e.g. facial approximation, craniofacial superimposition and face photo-comparison). It is important to note that most facial imaging methods are not currently used for identification but serve to assist authorities in narrowing or directing investigations such that other, more potent, methods of identification can be used (e.g. DNA). Few, if any, facial imaging approaches can be considered honed end-stage scientific methods, with major opportunities for physical anthropologists to make meaningful contributions. Some facial imaging methods have considerably stronger scientific underpinnings than others (e.g. facial approximation versus face mapping), some currently lie entirely within the artistic sphere (facial depiction), and yet others are so aspirational that realistic capacity to obtain their aims has strongly been questioned despite highly advanced technical approaches (molecular photofitting). All this makes for a broad-ranging, dynamic and energetic field that is in a constant state of flux. This manuscript provides a theoretical snapshot of the purposes of these methods, the state of science as it pertains to them, and their latest research developments.

Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 22(3): 247-256, Sept. 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-891937


Facial composites are crucial in the criminal justice system. In this archival study, we investigated the assumption that the success of facial composites depends partly on variables related to the crime, which either impairs or facilitates mnemonic processes. When a facial composite is successful in taking an offender to court it is sometimes archived as a positive facial composite, including a photo of the culprit and information about the crime. A total of 88 positive facial composites were investigated. The accuracy of facial composites was tested as a function of five variables related to the crime: type of crime, presence of weapon, retention interval, exposure duration, and disguise. Participants judged the resemblance of the perpetrators' photo with their correspondent facial composite. The results pointed out that only exposure duration was significantly associated with facial composites accuracy. Possible implications and future directions for research using archived facial composites are discussed.

Retratos falados são de extrema importância no sistema de justiça criminal. Neste estudo, nós investigamos a hipótese de que o sucesso de retratos falados depende parcialmente de variáveis relacionadas ao crime, que podem tanto facilitar quanto dificultar processos mnemónicos na elaboração de retratos falados. Quando um retrato falado obtém sucesso em levar um infrator à corte ele é comumente arquivado como um retrato falado positivo, incluindo uma foto do culpado e informações sobre o crime. Um total de 88 retratos falados positivos foram investigados. A acurácia de cada retrato falado foi testada de acordo com cinco variáveis relacionadas ao crime: tipo de crime, presença de arma, intervalo de retenção, tempo de exposição e disfarce. Participantes avaliaram a semelhança entre a foto do culpado e seu respectivo retrato falado. Os resultados apontaram que somente o tempo de exposição foi associado com a acurácia dos retratos falados. Possíveis aplicações e futuras pesquisas usando retratos falados reais são discutidos.

Retratos hablados son de suma importancia en el sistema de justicia criminal. En este estudio, se investigó la hipótesis de que el éxito de los retratos hablados depende en parte de las variables relacionadas con el delito, que pueden facilitar o dificultar los procesos mnemotécnicos en el desarrollo de los retratos hablados. Cuando un retrato hablado tiene éxito en llevar un transgresor a la justicia este es archivado como un retrato hablado positivo, incluyendo una foto del culpable y la información sobre el crimen. Se estudió un total de 88 retratos hablados positivos. La precisión de cada imagen se puso a prueba en función de cinco variables relacionadas con el crimen: tipo de delito, la presencia de armas, intervalo de retención, tiempo de exposición y el encubrimiento. Participantes evaluaron la similitud entre la imagen del culpable y su respectivo retrato hablado. Los resultados mostraron que sólo el tiempo de exposición se asoció con la precisión de retratos hablados. Se discuten las posibles aplicaciones y futuras investigaciones utilizando retratos hablados reales.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Rememoração Mental , Retrato , Reconhecimento Facial , Memória , Processos Mentais , Brasil , Cognição , Crime/psicologia
Front Psychol ; 6: 1237, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26347697


The own-age bias (OAB) refers to recognition memory being more accurate for people of our own age than other age groups (e.g., Wright and Stroud, 2002). This paper investigated whether the OAB effect is present during construction of human faces (also known as facial composites, often for forensic/police use). In doing so, it adds to our understanding of factors influencing both facial memory across the life span as well as performance of facial composites. Participant-witnesses were grouped into younger (19-35 years) and older (51-80 years) adults, and constructed a single composite from memory of an own- or cross-age target face using the feature-based composite system PRO-fit. They also completed the shortened version of the glasgow face matching test (GFMT; Burton et al., 2010). A separate group of participants who were familiar with the relevant identities attempted to name the resulting composites. Correct naming of the composites revealed the presence of an OAB for older adults, who constructed more-identifiable composites of own-age than cross-age faces. For younger adults, age of target face did not influence correct naming and their composites were named at the same level as those constructed by older adults for younger targets. Also, there was no reliable correlation between face perception ability and composite quality. Overall, correct naming was fairly good across the experiment, and indicated benefit for older witnesses for older targets. Results are discussed in terms of contemporary theories of OAB, and implications of the work for forensic practice.
